Hashicorp are Insane(ly great)
Oh man, this talk is nuts - Mitchell Hashimoto introducing Terraform and Consul together..
Oh man, this talk is nuts - Mitchell Hashimoto introducing Terraform and Consul together..
Super nice quick overview of the importance of Copy-On-Write filesystems to Docker, going into detail of the benefits and downsides to each of the CoW options - AuFS, BTRFS, ZFS, Overlayfs, Device Mapper - great stuff!
Kelsey Hightower, very funny, very good practical demo of Kubernetes..
Eric Brewer’s keynote from Dockercon14 -
Crazy stuff, definitely feels like Containers have gained mass momentum, and we’re about to undergo a major shift in Systems Architecture. Very exciting times!
Solomon Hykes, creator of Docker, speaking at Dockercon - paints a nicely detailed overview of all the new Docker ecosystem libraries released recently - Libcontainer, Libchan, and Libswarm - basically all middle layer abstractions which seem to have buy across all the main platforms and providers. He starts talking about 10mins in..