
Robert Henke's CBM 8032 AV

Some friends of mine in Glasgow just saw this performance at the Tramway, it looks pretty ace!

Soundb0ard in use at Algosix

I’ve had my head down doing a bunch of work on my Soundb0ard software, in prep for playing at Algosix last weekend. The festival was awesome, so much great live music!

I was quite happy with my performance, give it a listen/view:

Curtis Roads, Microsound

I’ve just read ‘Microsound’ by Curtis Roads. I was well aware of the microsound movement, but hadn’t realized the depth of the theory behind granular synthesis, with it’s history going back to the 1940s, and early practise from Xenakis (using tapes) and this lad, Curtis Roads, programming his own granular synth on a PDP-11/20 in 1974 - what a bad-ass! Check this site for some good background and papers.

I found these videos of Curtis Roads, via the site linked above.